Dear Mom,
First I have to tell you something. This email might be a little shorter than the other because I'm feeling really really sick today. I think it was something I ate last night. Anyway no need to be worried its probably only a day thing. I think I ate some bad mozzarella.
Sounds like you had a great B day! I'm so happy to hear that. I still have not received your package! Not your fault, I'm sure the package got to here in 10 days...Its just having trouble making it from the post office to my door. Seriously the mail system here in Muggiò really sucks. It took 2 1\2 weeks for a measly letter to get from here to Milano! Muggiò is super tiny! I don't get it. Anyway I did get the little note Kort sent me. Tell her thank you. I was so very happy to get that. Actually I also learned alto about the Mad Hatter. That was just a plus.
Monica starts school next week huh? That's just crazy to think about. If she passes this semester...she'll be more ahead than me! That's even crazier to think about. I can't believe how old everyone is getting! I can't believe you're 50. You're getting to be in Grandma territory. Pretty soon....probably within the next 5 years. Unfortunately looks like I'm your only shot for grand kids. I'll try my best to keep the seed alive!
I'm tired.
Well I'll be doing another 6 weeks here in Muggiò, I'm pretty content. I like my comp and he likes me so we're good.
That's about the only thing going on here in Italy though because right now its vacation season and there is NOBODY. Seriously everyone in at the beach for the whole month of August. I'm not exaggerating at all either. The entire bishopric is out of town on holiday so the high priest group leader will be presiding over our sacrament meeting this Sunday. Pretty funny right? Not funny. I'm a little bummed. You'd be surprised how hard it is to try and get things done with all your leaders are on holiday. Not their fault I'm aware, but still pretty hard. Its ago Vescovo Gessati needs to get it all in now because pretty soon....He'll be a general authority.
The work is going alright. Like I said everybody is gone so nobody is home when we do proselyting work. Its cool though we're just finding the super elect. Those that don't have enough money to go on vacation are the humble one ready for the gospel.
I love napolitani.
Well my dearest mother unfortunately I'm feeling super sick so I think I will go home right now make myself some chicken broth and then take a nice nap and dream of Minky. I miss Minky. Haha oh I have to tell you this story really fast.
So I went on exchanges with Anziano Parker (It was cool it was just like old times...except now he speaks Italian!) and we were teaching this old lady who had the cutest little dog. I literally just kept it on my lap and was playing with her while we were teaching the lady. It reminded me of Elder Miller when Elder Bowman would talk. Haha he was just always playing with Mia. Anyway the funny part was that the lady absolutely loved the fact that I couldn't get enough of her dog and she just kept saying how cute it was that I was such an animal lover. Haha I was thinking no I just miss Mia.
Anyway yeah...I miss Mia. And I miss you! I pray for you as well so don't forget it!
Much love,
Anziano Joey Dell'Oso's Mission Experience
Joey joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in 2006. He recieved his mission call to serve in the Italy-Milan mission in January of 2010. He reported to the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah on March 3 of 2010 and is due home in May of 2012. Since his arrival in Italy, he has remained focused and dilligent in his service to the Lord. His letters are happy and light, full of hope and brimming over with excitement always.
Saving Italy one Icon at a time....
Elder Dell'Oso, Pisa Italia
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Dear Madre,
Lunedì sera alla discoteca... Martedì sera alla discoteca... Mercoledì sera alla discoteca...
Yep that pretty much describes my week...Haha no just kidding. Anziano Armenise has been teaching me some weird italian songs just like that one.
This week was GREAT. Let me tell you why.
Thursday we went up to visit the anziani in La Spezia and La Spezia is always beautiful. I had some fun up there. Then this weekend we just saw some sweet miracles.
I'm going to need you all to start praying for Emilio. He's from Peru. He came to church on Sunday, loved it, and now has a baptismal date for the 16th of July...We have to start praying that he makes it! He speaks very little italian so normally we teach him through the pamphlets...He's loving everything though.
On Monday I went to Livorno and I have to tell you something...I love Livorno. Its right on the beach so there was this amazing sea breeze...Oh it was so delightful. Also we were doing an exchange so...naturally...we bought pizza at the end...That's always the best.
The work here in Florence, well in Tuscany in general, is really picking up. In Siena they had the first baptism of a family of 4! 4! The number of people that attend there are like 10. We've really been seeing some summer miracles that will not stop.
I can't believe everyone moved! I feel so disoriented...Like I have no identity...No that's a lie. That's super crazy though...This time is going by so fast.
We are learning Spanish from one of our investigators, Emilio.
I love you,
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Dearest Mommy,
Do not worry. You still sent a pretty long email, I was very content with it. That's super super sick you guys went to Vegas to see old man Paul. I would've been crying with you guys had I been there. I love that man and the songs he sings.
Why wasn't I there crying with you then you might ask??? I was in Italy riding around on my bike. WOOO!!!!! MISSIONARY WORK! Take that Satan.
Well Armenise and I are still saving the world, one door at a time. We've had some pretty fun experiences this week. Too many to explain...Let me explain one to you.
We accidently called an ex investigator of missionaries from the past while trying to call a new investigator of our own...both named Emilio. Turns out this kid Emilio met with the missionaries in Reggio Calabria for 10 years! 10 YEARS! Anyway he said lately he's been having some spiritual experiences that have kind of been indicating to him to start listening to us again...and then we call him! YAYAAAA!
I'm also still tired.
We had a really good zone conference on Monday. The President of the district of Rimini was there and gave one of the strongest testimonies I had ever heard. ALSO the 1st councelor of the mission presidency gave his conversion story and guess who was the first person to bring him the gospel???? Onofrio Armenise...the father of my companion. Anziano Armenise was definitely surprised. I guess his father never told him that. It was a pretty big deal for him. I love being a missionary here. There are so many cool amazing things that happen. I'm so happy to be apart of this marvoulous work. I'm loving every minute of it.
Alright I have to go now. I love you so very much dear mommy. I hope you feel better I'll be praying for you!
Much Love,
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Wednesday May 25,2011
Dear Mommy,
Okay Anziano Armenise, super cool. He's just all about shenigans which is great because I am too. He taught me how to say, 'Say hi to your sister for me' in his dialect and I taught him how to sing the first verse of ,'I like big butts.' Its going to be a really fun transfer. Craziest thing too, his girlfriend lives in this mission! Like missionaries in this mission serve in her ward. Crazy right? He wrote that down on his mission papers hoping they wouldn't send here but, they didn't care. Its pretty funny.
He's a super good leader as well. He's not afraid to make decisions and if nothing is getting done he takes action super fast. Just super good.
He's the shining light because unfortunately we're starting from square one here in Florence. The last week with Anziano Bullock a series of unfortunate events unfolded and alot of our investigators kind of stopped running with us. Almost all except 2. That leaves us basically back at the beginning. I think with anybody else I would be a little discourged but Anziano Armenise seems so determined and confidant about the success we'll see I'm super excited. I'm positive we'll see miracles.
Not much else to report on. Last week after email we saw literally 20 members walking around centro. After that, we kind of pretended to not here when people shouted, 'ELDER! ELDER!' One guy did buy us gelato. That was super nice of him.
One little thought for the day. I was talking to Anziano Armenise this morning about like decisions we make and why we make them, I think I came to a conclusion. I think sometimes the best reason to do something is because its commanded of you. That's when the lord blesses you the most. Obbedience to me is starting to become that key to life that everybody talks about. My mission has been abudnately(Spell check on that word, I'd ask my comp but...He doesn't even know what that word means! haha sorry I just wanted one crack at him) blessed when I've been obediant. I know the same principle applies in life.
Anyway that's it. I love it here. I love being a missionary and having this experience. Its just too much good. I can't wait to hear from you next week!
Much love,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
NEW PICTURES..Wednesday, May 11, 2011
You have to remember to write me after Mother's day call! Haha you did this after Christmas too! I still get to email! Haha well quite actually I don't have much to tell you. I'm still doing well, exactly the same as Sunday. I'll be getting a new companion next week so that's pretty crazy. The cool thing is that for some reason our Mission President will be in our branch this Sunday, and he does transfers this Saturday...So I'll see if I can't get him to tell me who my new companion will be before Tuesday night. That'll be exciting. I'm going to miss old Bullock though, he's seriously been one of my favorite companions. We've done a ton of fun stuff together and really did some good work too.
Oh address to you and all who wish to write to me directly here in Florence/Firenze/Florencia.
Via Boito 28
50144 Firenze
That's for EVERYONE who wants to write me a little something something.
Okay that's all I got...I'll write you next week!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Dearest Mommy,
So, I'm tired. Period. I've been everywhere these past couple weeks. I was in Prato, Pistoia, tomorrow we're going to Milano, and guess where I was on Monday... Pisa!!! Finally! I mean, I was there doing work and not site seeing but it was still cool. Its the only city in the tuscany zone I haven't visted...until now. Haha I did walk past the leaning tower and take pictures while my companion made some phone calls. I think the next time I go there I'll be taking pictures of all the weird poses people do there. Like, you go there, and you see 4 or 5 people making it seem like they're leaning or doing something to the tower but from different angles it just looks goofy. I can't explain it, you just have to see it!
The work is going good as well. Giulio is doing good, just not married yet. Here's the cool thing though. We finally told him that in like 2 weeks anziano bullock is going home and he was like, 'Wait, that means we have to do a dinner soon.' Ha so in two weeks he's making us bistecca fiorentina! YES. I will eat a Florence steak without having to pay 30 euro. I count that as a success. He's doing really well too. He quite smoking! WOO! Know he just needs to quite not being married and he'll be able to be baptized. Prayers!
Cool miracle story that happened just last night. My companion for some strange reason had a weird craving for pizza so called and the guy came after we were done planning. Anyway here comes the cool part. He notices our picture of christ on the door(Its the one of him showing himself to mary after he's resurrected) and asks who we are. We then continue to explain, give him our card, number, and money, he gives us the pizza, and then he splits. about 20 minutes later after the pizzas are long gone and eaten and we're just about to bed, we get a call. It turns out its him! He said he's not too happy with the catholic church or the evangelist church he's attending, the picture of christ on our door really touched him, and now he wants to join. Haha he was asking where we were located. He's coming to church on sunday and we'll be seeing him Friday. Woo! The cool thing is that he's really concerned about his life. Apparently he's not happy with where his life went and wants to change. He's problem is that he knows the only way to find happiness is through the family, and he doesn't have one. I'm excited to see where we go with this guy. He's from Palermo! I don't think that means much to you but its super fun talking to him because people from sicily have crazy cool accents.
Well that's about all Elder joey slash Anziano Dell'Oso has for you guys today. Its super hard to type today because I'm using a weird keyboard. There's the english alphabet and also the arabic one gets confusing.
Much love to all and I'll talk to you on Sunday!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Dearest Mommy,
Hey! P day was GREAT! SUPER tiring. I was dead on the train home. cinque terre is beautiful though. I haven't reall seen sea since I've been on the mission and that was the best way to see it. I know last week I said I'd bring pictures but the computer I'm on right now is being super annoying so it will have to wait till the next one. Again I apologize for the lack of photos I said. I know, I suck.
Basically, I've almost seen every cool thing to see in Tuscany, almost. I still have to see the leaning tower and then I have to find some way to get to San Gimigliano...Which I don't think is too pratical. Anyway the most beautiful thing I've seen in Italy thus still Bolzano. Haha I LOVE Bolzano. Still by far my favorite city. We had lunch with some members for Easter and turns out one of them served their mission in the Padova mission and got to serve in Bolzano. We just then spent the remainder of the time talking about how awesome Bolzano is. Long story short, Bolzano is awesome.
Oh another funny thing. So this morning we got our haircuts by these two guys from chile and guess what they like to do when they're not cutting hair. Box. Haha turns out the guy that cut my companions hair is also the featherweight champion of all of Italy. He showed us posters and pictures of him and his champion belt. Haha only in Italy can one man be a professional hairdresser and professional boxer at the same time. Haha I love it.
Sounds like everybody is doing well! That's good to hear. I'm doing super good as of recently. This week went by much better than last week. We're starting to find alot more people. GIULIO(Haha is name is Giulio no Guido mamma) is doing alright. Lately he's been having to work a ton and its really taking a tole on his spiritual progress. He still loves us and the church though so no worries. I would just ask that you keep him in your prayers cuz more than anything he still needs to get married so he start making some serious progress. Other than him we've had alot of south american investigators, which has been great because recently a less active member from equador came to us saying he wants to start being more involved with the church again so he wants to come with us to teaching appointments.
Other than that, its been another great week of scambio! Like I said we were in La Spezia and the other day I found myself yet again in Prato. Or should I say...China. There are TONS of chinese people in Prato I can't believe it. Anyway I love working with other missionaries. There are some truly amazing missionaries in our mission. I'm super impressed.
Last sunday we had a team of translators in church. Haha okay that sounds a bit extreme but there were a TON of tourists in church. Haha there was actually a family from Arizona. That would be the second family from Arizona I've seen in Florence. Anyway there where so many tourists that they took up pratically half the chapel! Its a good thing though it makes our branch look alot bigger. Haha anyway I had to do some major translating. I was doing well to right up until our 1st counciler started reading excerpts from Jesus the Christ in his talk. It was the equivalent of getting hit by a baseball bat. I did not see it coming and I could not handle it. I was able to give them the gist of it though so in the end it wasn't too bad. It did hurt though.
Anyway that's my week! I love you so very much and I love being on a mission! I had the spirit confirm that to me more than once this week so I thought I'd throw that in there.
Much love,
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