Que Bella!

Que Bella!
Elder Joey and his Companioin in Siena, Italia

Saving Italy one Icon at a time....

Saving Italy one Icon at a time....
Elder Dell'Oso, Pisa Italia

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Joey's Recent Letter Home, March 23, 2011

Hey Mom!
Okay this week has been great! Very tiring! First we went to Pistoia and I got to do a little scambio with a certain Anziano Wilkey. He's awesome. He's from Great Britian. Haha I was trying to copy his accent but he said I just couldn't do it. Anyway we were there all Thursday and then on Sunday we had District Conference! That was super fun. President and Sorella Wolfgramm gave talks. Sorella Wolfgramm's was hilarious! Haha she has this 'war cry' that she implemented into the mission when she first got here called G.E.M. or just gem! haha it stands for Grow every missionary. The point is to just love your companion and try to serve him to make him better. Anyway it was funny because you can't translate it into italian. Like grow every missionary in italian doesn't make the word gem. Anyway so she was using the word gem with her talk and her translator was super confused. It was awesome, you had to have been there. It was a good talk though.
That believe it or not was the first district/zone conference I'd ever been to as well. I seem to get transfered just before one happens, and then I get transfered into a city where I just miss it. Anyway, I did not miss it this time! We held it at a sherriott hotel and we felt like high rollers. My buddy who's serving in Siena walked in and was like 'I feel like we're going to the Grammys'  It was cool too our investigator Giulio came and brought his Uncle.
Have I told you about Giulio yet? He is the MAN. Honestly I've never met anybody so cool. When we first met him he was like,' Yeah I love Christ, he's my hero.' Then he continued to show us his picture of christ that he had on the background of his phone. Also he's a man of strong faith. In 2 weeks he's already committed to live every comandment and loves church. He said its something he used to think was boring but coming to our church he says he looks forward to it every week. Ha he's too cool. We have a date to baptize him during general conference so we're praying for that.
We have other people we're working with but none as cool as him. Oh and you asked about our chapels. I personally have never served in a city with a chapel for the members. Bolzano was above a pizza place. Ravenna used to be a car garage and Firenze is just the bottom floor of a apartment complex. Its pretty spacious though. I can't really explain it to you, you'd just have to go there. You could probably ask any member who's visited Florence and they'd be able to describe it for you. The cool thing is that we're getting a chapel built by the church in a couple years. both are very cool. A chapel is a big enough deal but to have it built by the church is golden. That  makes it legit. There's only a handful of church built chapels in Italy so Florence is going to be pretty lucky.
Oh and you asked where I got the grey suit. My last companion gave it to me. He never wore it so he thought I might. I wear it. I'm wearing it right now. Its super comfy. He got it at some market in Verona. I think he paid like 30 euros or something cheap like that.
Okay dearest mommy. That's about all the time I have for you today. I'm doing just fine. Thank you so much for your love and support. You're doing great! haha give Rick my love and tell him the heart of Italy goes to his comrades in Japan. Literally everybody we talked to is just stressed about it. Its kind of interesting. Like when we ask if we can do any type of service they just ask us to pray for their spouse and then Japan. Long story short, Japan is most definitely in my prayers.
You guys are the best! Thank you for everything!
Much love,

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