Que Bella!

Que Bella!
Elder Joey and his Companioin in Siena, Italia

Saving Italy one Icon at a time....

Saving Italy one Icon at a time....
Elder Dell'Oso, Pisa Italia

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday, April 14,2011

Hey Mom,

First, I'm doing good so no worries there. I think I'll just spend this email responding to your questions you asked because you've asked them a few times.
1. General Conference is always the best part of the year. Me and one of my companions used to call it 'super bowl sunday.' Members here can't watch it on tv so we always just go to a chapel and they televise it via satellite and we just watch it there. There's usually 2 rooms that they view it. One in italian with an italian translator and then the second is in english which is normally for us and nigerians. I love it though. Members didn't feed us but one missionary who came into the field with me has learned to make a ton of really sweet dishes so for General Conference he made us calzone. It was delicious. He then fed us cake. Also the sisters in our zone made us sugar cookies. It was a really good day.
2. Okay you want a typical p day. Normally it varies depending on the needs of the week. Normally we'll go site seeing. Like we'll walk around centro and go see a museum or take a train out to siena or go see something cool in Tuscany. Other days, we'll just mosey around centro and maybe go buy 2 euro ties or buy a pizza and enjoy the day. There's other times when I'm just dead for the week and I have to go home and nap because I'm just too tired. Those are basically my 3 types of p days. All of them include internet and grocery shopping.
3. Nobody has gardens. They all have plants that hang from their balconies because they all live in apartments.
4.  I'd say we have about 40 or so active members in our branch. There's 2 branch here in Firenze. Both with about the same number of members. I think when they make Tuscany a stake they'll just combine both branchs to make a ward.
5. I eat breakfast and a big lunch. We don't take dinner breaks. My new favorite food is Lasagna. I love the stuff. I only like it when its made with care and love though. pre made ones from the grocery store just aren't the same. I can make some dishes...I'm not going to tell you what though...You'll just have to wait a year.
6. I keep forgetting I have a tape recorder. Thanks for the reminder I'll totally use it.
Okay I think I answered your questions. It actually made for a great email outline. I feel as though this email was jam packed with info.
Basically it goes like this, there's always going to be too much to tell you so you'll never get the full picture through my emails. I'll keep trying though.
Yesterday all the museums in Firenze were free! Too bad the lines were so long that we would have to spend all our p day waiting in one line. We didn't end up doing it. OH which reminds me...You're probably wondering why you're getting this email today instead of yesterday. I'm super sorry I forgot to write you! Haha just kidding. No what happened was myldsmail.net wasn't working. It was a mission wide crisis. I figured wednesday is the uniform p day throughout the world for missionaries so my question is for all the days they chose to have problems with the site, yesterday had to be the day. Who else besides mormon missionaries use myldsmail.net? Anyway that's why I'm writing you today and not yesterday.
That's about all I got for you today. Our investigators are doing good. We have one italian and the rest are actually south americans. Primarily from Peru. I love Peruvians now! They are amazing members. Our Relief Society Pres is from Peru and she's a ball of fire! Angela Zahorsky! Haha her husband is from the Czech Republic! Crazy right??? Yeah I love this branch.
Okay I must depart now. I love you so much and I'm oh so thankful for everything that you do.

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