Que Bella!

Que Bella!
Elder Joey and his Companioin in Siena, Italia

Saving Italy one Icon at a time....

Saving Italy one Icon at a time....
Elder Dell'Oso, Pisa Italia

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2001

Cara Mama,
What's going on??? Haha first I have to tell you that I received your easter package and it was delicious. Everything I could've asked for and more. I'm not going to lie I was a little nervous when I read the contents description and it read magazines, socks, and boots. Not so much that I wouldn't want any of that stuff...Just that magazines aren't allowed and I didn't want to throw away something you sent. Anyway, it turned out not to be the case and now I'm enjoying honey peanut butter daily. THANKS.
First things first, UCONN!!!!! I know that serving a mission brings blessings. From updates from Dad and random LDS american tourists, it sounded like a long shot that they would win. BUT THEY DID! I'm very happy.
I'm also super tired. But tired in a good way. The only reason I'm super pooped is because instead of resting on P day my companion and I always go to some tourist attraction. Its totally worth it though. I feel like I'm getting the most out of our Firenze experience. We're definitely resting today though.
Oh we had transfers yesterday, we're staying together! Woo! I'm really excited about that. Anziano Bullock is really cool. Oh yeah mom and if you were wondering my companions/mission has gone like this.
Bolzano w/ Anziano Wright then Anziano Condie
Ravenna w/ Anziano Parker
Firenze w/ Anziano Casuto and now I'm with Anziano Bullock
None of them are from Britian. Anziano Parker is from Mesa. The british kid you're thinking of is our buddy Anziano Wilkey serving in Pistoia. He's a little crack up. Whenever he likes something its always brilliant! Haha and whenever he doesn't like something he calls it rubbish. Haha is vocabulary is a crack up.
The week as gone by quite well though. Giulio was not baptized when we thought he would but that's only because he's still not married. His companion wants to get married but said,'Lo voglio bellino.' Which means to say,' I want it nice.' Which means to say MONTHS of prepartion...We're praying for a miracle. Haha She's super nice and accepting though. Her name is Monica! Crazy right? I thought that was pretty cool.
We've been meeting with quite a few south americans lately. They're all awesome. I'm learning spanish. Sometimes they just speak and spanish while we respond in Italian. I personally understand spanish that great but my companion(Anziano Bullock who is not british) studied it before the mission and understands everything.
I'm doing great! I'm really stoked to stay here for another transfer, there's alot that needs to be done. Also, I get to go to Pisa and finally see that leaning tower!
General conference was AWESOME right? Favorite part you might wonder? When President Monson talked about temples. I miss the temple so much. There's nothing like it. Also it was especially touching for all of who were listening when he started telling his experience about the Rome temple. I remember watching the ground breaking via satellite in a chapel in Rimini in October. The spirit really confirmed to me there how much I'm binded to helping the lord's work go forth in this country until my departure date. We all received that same confirmation Sunday watching conference. I love this church. I love temples. I can't wait until this country receives the wonderful blessing of having a temple so close. Please please, I've said it before, don't forget how wonderful it is having a temple.
Okay on that note I'm out. We have places to go people to see. You are the best. Keep on keepin' on. I love you so much.
Much Love,

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